Youth Violence Prevention Center - Denver
Youth Violence Prevention Center - Denver
Establishing the Steps to Success and Park Hill Strong community coalitions has created a prevention infrastructure in the two neighborhoods that did not previously exist.
Ninety-four percent of coalition members report strong support for prevention and 90% report the coalition has adopted a science-based approach. Between 2016-2021, each coalition met at least monthly to implement community-level prevention strategies, discuss community events and issues, and collaborate to leverage community resources to support youth violence prevention. Partners including the Colorado Department of Public Health and the Environment, Denver Public Schools and the Colorado Health Foundation have contributed over $2.5 million in additional funding to support the coalitions and their youth violence prevention strategies.

Community-level Prevention Strategies (2016-2021)
Power of One:
- 9 Youth Leaders and Youth Ambassadors creating content
- 4 million “impressions” on social media
- 2,250 community members in attendance across 5 events
Mini Grants:
- 47 grant proposals funded in 4 rounds
- 6,630 community members served
PATHS/Community Social Emotional Learning:
- 3 elementary schools and 4 community organizations were trained
- Over 1,500 youth ages 4-18 participated
- 90% teachers observed “mostly/completely” adhering to PATHS curriculum (fidelity to model)
Positive Recognition Campaign:
- 50 youth recognized for positive contributions to the community
- 100 in attendance across 3 events (virtual and live)